Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Senior Dating Tips

Fifty plus and wish to start dating again after a long long gap. Many would think it is an overwhelming task- especially when dates are difficult to find at that age. No it isnt. Start searching on an online adult dating site in a category dedicated to senior dating. Searching through dating sites is easy.

The first step is to become a member by giving your details including your User Id and email address. These sites have a privacy policy so that there is no fear of your personal detail falling in the wrong hand. Next add your profile with a photo for higher visibility. Now you can let others find you or you find your types by browsing the profiles.

There are profiles of thousands of sexy singles, couples over fifty waiting for you. Once you have chosen a profile, contact by email or instant messaging or if the date is online, invite to have a chat using a video or a web cam. These tools are very user friendly and highly effective.

While there are no absolutes in senior dating, there are a few tips that may help calm you and increase your chance of success:

One purpose of every first date is to decide whether you want a second one. With that in mind, plan a date that encourages conversation and helps you get to know each other.

Tailor your first date to include a common interest, hobby which helps establish an immediate connection around that has meaning for both of you. There are gay personals and lesbian personals categories available for those seeking alternate sex.

A meal on your first date? Make it lunch and combine it with some fun activity so that you have more things to talk about while you eat. Dinner implies more intimacy yet to come into picture.

If the whole idea of dating makes you nervous, consider joining group dating club or participate in a group activity.

Be smart, be safe, and have an exit strategy. You are going out with someone you dont know well, so stick to public places and tell someone you trust who youre meeting and where youll be. If you start to feel uneasy about the person youre with, and then leave.

John W WaltzerBette Blog37770
Catrina Blog83352

The Most Effective Engagement Announcements

Engagement announcements are an elegant way to tell people that you are in love. There are many ways in which you can do this, while being innovative and creative, letting you express all your feelings about being united with your special someone. Most people really enjoy letting others know about their happiness, especially when these others are close friends and family members.

There are different ways to express your feelings when it comes to sending engagement announcements. There are great selections of online printers, which provide you with nice looking engagement announcements. If you choose to search in the Internet, you will surely find a thousand of really great engagement announcements to send to all your friends. You may as well design the engagement announcements on your own, or order them at design studios. If you are still wondering and havent decided the exact outlook of your announcements, dont hesitate to browse for some help.

The online stores are perfect when it comes to giving advice about how an engagement announcement should look like. They will tell you how your announcements will look as personalized as possible. They can add color and shape to the way your announcement looks, thus making it more interesting. You may have as many decorations as you choose to make the announcement look nicer. You may pick up amongst a great number of different pictures, decorations, inscriptions and so on. You may go to one of the lovely sites that cover everything about engagement announcements. Just visit or , and you will get some fresh ideas about the announcements preparation.

It is always nice to include the children from your previous marriage or your fiances marriage into the picture. Make a nice and large family photo so that kids feel part of the whole preparation. You will surely become their adored stepmother (father), if you thoughtfully include them in the whole engagement. The pre-wedding preparation is very important for the kids, because they dont want to feel excluded from the happiest day of their parent. So, you should be well aware and make them a part of it all.

The Internet is a real treasure when it comes to searching for new and vibrant ideas. You can find as much as you want about engagement announcements, and learn everything about their preparation. Just use your own creative imagination and add a personal touch to your announcements. Then you are ready to send them to the people you love, and tell everyone about your happiness.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning wedding. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Blog2308
Bibbye Blog25884

Do the Potter...

It seems like inspiration is everywhere when you look for it. Consider my latest source of joy, Harry Potter. I haven't even seen the new movie, only the previews, and was moved to tears. My six year old daughter Emily thought this was rather amusing, as I passed the popcorn.

What struck me as so awesome while watching the preview of Harry Potter, was a line that might not impress a lot of people, but I felt like he was speaking so brilliantly, and clearly, that I had to share it. In the trailer, Harry is trying to rally the other witch and wizard students to help him fight the newest dark enemy. Everyone is afraid. Protesting that they can't. Impossible to do it. And Harry, in all of his Hollywood glory says, "All truly great wizards started as nothing more than we are now. If they can do it, why not US?!" ( Or something very similar. I was so knocked over that I could be hallucinating.)

Meaning, that everyone who is accomplished, enlightened, famous, notorious, self made, etc...all started somewhere. And more often than not, they started on their quest against major obstacles. As a coach, I try encourage clients to imagine, "What if?" What if I COULD go back to college and become a teacher. What if I did take a risk and open my own business? What would it be like to try and run a marathon? As humans, we come up with all sorts of interesting excuses as to why what we profess to be our greatest wish, is impossible. I can't go back to school because I don't have the money. Who am I to think that I could open my own business? Running a marathon would be too hard. My answers: student loan, who are you NOT to open your own business, and so what? I realize that I am simplifying, but you get the picture. You have to start saying SO WHAT to welcome what might be so. (Someone really cool said that I can't remember who.)

Personally, I am working on two books. Occasionally, I'll fall into the trap of listening to some self limiting thoughts like, "Who do you think YOU are to write a book?" But, you know, who am I not to? I have a lot to say. haha And, I am going to "Practice the Potter" and realize that all great authors, before their first book, sat in front of a blank paper or computer screen, and took it one word at a time.

So, over the next week, try and notice when you are putting up your own road blocks. Observe your thoughts and challenge them. They are only thoughts, and you can choose them. Ask yourself, "Who would I be without that thought?" If Harry Potter used his magic wand to eliminate the thought, "I will never be a writer," how would your day/week/year/life be different?

I'd be slaying chapters, dude!

Have a great day!


Copyright (c) 2007 Susan Hyatt

Susan Hyatt is a dynamic life coach, author, speaker, and owner of Ideal Life Design. She is passionate about helping clients create work/life balance, and design their ideal lives. http://www.ideallifedesign.comBrianne Blog47397
Astrid Blog77896

The Motivated Employee

Ah, Motivation. It has been the subject of countless books, seminars, songs, articles, manuals, conferences, missions, discussions, debates, movies, interviewsand headaches.

In todays world every employer, in every industry, in every country, is trying to figure out how to motivate their employees the right way.

The sad truth is that most of these initiatives will fail. Why? Well, to answer that lets take a look at Motivation itself.

Motivation comes when one has a Motive.

motive, n. 1. an inner urge that prompts a person to action with a sense of purpose. 2. of or tending to cause action. 3. prompting to action 4. constituting a motive.

For our purposes, we need only focus on definitions 1 and 3. These are two definitions of motive, and yet they are vastly different. It is that difference that causes so much trouble.

Basically, definition number 1 talks about an inner urge. This means that the person is driven by their own desire. Their motivation moves them because they see how taking action will help them get what they really want. This is Internal Motivation, which is the most powerful kind of motivation there is.

On the other hand, definition number 3 talks about prompting someone. This implies that something outside of the person has to motivate the person to take action. The person is not taking action because it is their desire. They are taking action because it seems to be the best option at the moment. This is External Motivation, which is the least powerful kind of motivation.

In motivating their staff, most employers overlook internal motivation and go straight for the external brand. They think that raises, titles, offices, cars, more vacation time, and other perks are what motivate people to perform better. This belief is totally wrong.

Perks are merely short-term external motivators. They make a person perform at a higher level until they achieve the raise, car, title, etc. After the person has gotten their perk it no longer motivates them. They have received their reward, so why work hard anymore?

Now, if you want a truly motivated employee, you must set that up from the beginning of the hiring process, before youve even meet one candidate.

You must first ask, and answer for yourself, some tough questions:

* What values does this company stand for?
* What is the big vision for this company?
* What is the true mission for this company?
* What are the priorities of this company?
* What type of person exactly - would best help this company grow? (be specific)
* What would the ideal candidate bring to the table? And what would they want to do for us?
* Knowing that the ideal candidate will already be driven by having values, vision, mission and priorities in common with the company, what can we offer them in terms of compensation and benefits that will allow them to focus on their work without worrying about their lifestyle or future?

After you have answered these questions, you will be ready to start looking for the best people for your company to hire. Be sure to ask them about their values, vision, mission and priorities and why exactly they want to work for your company.

You will find, after having answered the questions, that most candidates will quickly eliminate themselves during the interview process, because their answers will not be congruent with yours. But the few who are congruent with your company will be worth their weight in gold.

Of course hiring the right person is only half the battle. You cant just hire someone great and then throw them in to the fire and hope they survive. Great employees need to be part of a team.

Now that is not to say that an employee needs to be surrounded by people to work well. A person can easily work solo, as long as he/she knows that they are part of a team and can reach out to a teammate when needed by phone or email.

Also, everyone needs to know that they have the potential to achieve their own greatness, so it is imperative that you look for ways to help the person move up in your company.

If your company is small and you think that you dont have any space for this talented person to move up into, then you have a decision to make. Will you allow yourself to be open to growth and expansion, so that you can hold on to great employees or will you be willing to help your employees to achieve their greatness even if it means they will have to leave you someday?

If you said neither, I just want to put great people into positions and keep them there you are living in a fantasy. Talented people need promise and potential. People who will stick with just a job are nothing more than cogs in a machine. And just like the parts of any machine the cog needs continuous greasing (i.e. more perks) to keep it moving, until the day it simply breaks under the pressure of mediocrity.

For many business owners this knowledge is a tough pill to swallow. Most business owners think that their employees should feel lucky to have a job with them. The idea that effective employment is truly a two-way street seems almost inconceivable. Yet, if you want to build a successful and long term business, with low turnover, then this is the only way.

Now, after you have answered your questions, set up good hiring policies, gotten the right people in the door, and given them a good pay and benefits package, what else can you do to keep them working happily towards the long term goals of the company? Well, if youve done all these steps correctly, you have already set your company up to win. Yet, there are some other simple ideas that can help you leverage more of your employees potential.

First, ask for and listen to feedback. Simply put, your employees are on the front lines everyday. And, just like a good general, you have to listen to what the troops are saying and adjust accordingly. This is part of the team effort I described earlier.

Second, compliment your employees genuinely and often. People, by and large, are not martyrs. They like to know that they are doing a good job by receiving praise over and above a paycheck. Dont be afraid to compliment people, even for little things. If you have an employee who is always a little early in to work, tell him/her you noticed and you appreciate their enthusiasm. This will earn you big-time respect.

Third, reward the big efforts with real rewards. If someone has gone far beyond the call of duty, give them something of real value, something worthy of their effort. The following story will show you what not to do.

In one of my first jobs I worked for a sporting goods retail store that was part of a large chain. One day I broke the all time record for goods sold in a single transaction for the entire company, which was several thousands of dollars. What was my reward? An extra 15 minutes of lunch. I left that job soon after.

Fourth, be a friend. There is an old belief that says business is business and personal is personal. The truth is that we are humans, and our strengths and weaknesses come with us wherever we go. Allow people to have off days without coming down on them. And dont be afraid to ask them what the problem is. Listen and help if you can. If you cant, at least let them know you understand their issue. Who knows, someday you might need them to return the favor.

And my final suggestion, lead by example. There is an ancient Japanese proverb that says, A rising tide lifts all boats. I believe in this so much that I make it a part of my daily affirmations.

When you hold yourself to the highest standard and steadfastly refuse to let your energy go down, the people reporting to you will be compelled to come up to your energy level. When that happens, everybody wins you, your staff, your customers, your families, your friends everybody.

Erik Luhrs is the President of Make Your Business BOOM! Inc. He provides Consulting, Coaching and Seminars on Business & Performance Optimization to Executives and Business Owners all over the world. Visit to request a complimentary Business Optimization Consultation today. Arlena Blog23163
Alfie Blog61321

I Love Italian Wine and Food - The Piedmont Region

If you are looking for fine Italian wine and food, consider the Piedmont region of northern Italy. You may find a bargain, and I hope that youll have fun on the fact-filled wine education tour.

Piedmont is located in the northwest of Italy. It borders on France and Switzerland and is surrounded on three sides by the Alps. The name Piedmont means the foot of the mountain. Piedmont is one of the most industrialized regions of Italy. It is considered the best organized region of Italy for wine tourism. Its population is about 4.4 million.

Piedmont was originally settled by the Celts. It was conquered by Hannibal and reconquered by the Ancient Romans. Piedmont was ruled by the French Savoy family for almost five hundred years. It was a center in the fight to unify Italy. Victor Emmanuel II, the king of Piedmont and Sardinia, became the first king of modern Italy in 1861.

Agriculturally Piedmont has it all. For example, meats include beef, kid, lamb, rabbit, and veal. Game includes hare, partridge, pheasant, and venison. Donkey meat stew is a local specialty. Another specialty is grissini, breadsticks that are a yard long. The region makes nine protected varieties of cheese. About the only food that seems to be a bit short is fresh fish, with the exception of trout.

Piedmonts capital and largest city is Turin, a city of nine hundred thousand that is the capital of the Italian automobile industry and the site of the 2006 Winter Olympics. This city was the first capital of united Italy (from 1861 to 1865) and remains to this day the world capital of vermouth.

Piedmont devotes over one hundred forty thousand acres to grapevines, it ranks 6th among the 20 Italian regions. Its total annual wine production is about ninety million gallons, also giving it a 6th place. About 70% of the wine production is red or ros (only a bit of ros), leaving 30% for white. The region produces 44 DOC wines. DOC stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata, which may be translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin, presumably a high-quality wine and 7 DOCG wines. The G in DOCG stands for Garantita, but there is in fact no guarantee that such wines are truly superior Almost 56% of Piedmont wine carries the DOC or DOCG designation. Piedmont is home to four dozen major and secondary grape varieties, somewhat more red than white varieties.

Widely grown international white grape varieties include Muscat (in particular Moscato Bianco) and Chardonnay. The best known strictly Italian white varieties are Arneis, Cortese, and Erbaluce.

International red grape varieties are not important in Piedmont. It is the center for Nebbiolo, felt by many to be Italys noblest red variety, the base of Italys world famous Barolo and Barbaresco wines. Other Italian red varieties include Barbera, Brachetto, and Dolcetto, some of which are grown elsewhere.

Before reviewing the Piedmont wine and cheese that we were lucky enough to purchase at a local wine store and a local Italian food store, here are a few suggestions of what to eat with indigenous wines when touring this beautiful region.

Start with Cipollata Rossa Monferrina, Spicy Robiola Cheese and Scallion Spread.

For the second course try Tasca Ripiena, Veal Stuffed with Salami and Scallions. For dessert indulge yourself with Budino Freddo Gianduja, Decadent Hazelnut-Chocolate Pudding.

OUR WINE REVIEW POLICY While we have communicated with well over a thousand Italian wine producers and merchants to help prepare these articles, our policy is clear. All wines that we taste and review are purchased at the full retail price.

Wine Reviewed

Sur Rosso Barbera dAsti Villa Giada 2004 Andrea-Faccio Viticoltore (Winemaker) DOC 13.5% alcohol about $10.90 plus tax

Unlike the other wines in this series, I purchased this bottle while on vacation in Seattle, Washington. Frankly I thought that I was drinking the cousin of a $40 bottle of wine. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if it were the equal of some $40 bottles. While three other Italian grape red varieties are authorized to a maximum of 15% in the Barbera dAsti DOC, this particular wine is 100% Barbera.

I found the wine very powerful, perhaps too strong for pasta. Its tastes included tobacco, leather, cherry, and black cherry. An Italian wine site states: "An imposing wine that is always rather severe but richly and exquisitely perfumed and with a flavor that couples strength with finesse. I agree except that I didnt find it severe. I also drank it with a marinated, barbecued rib steak. The wine cut through the steaks grease. Once again the flavors came out well.

Gran Padano is a classic Parmesan-type cheese made for a millennium in northern Italy including the Piedmont region. It is a cylindrical, cooked, semi-fat cheese which matures slowly. It has a grainy consistency and may be sliced or grated. Its taste is fragrant and delicate. I tried this wine with grated Gran Padano cheese on toast with a somewhat spicy Moroccan tomato and pimento based dip.The combination was excellent; I felt that both the wine and cheese flavors were accentuated. The term mouth-filling came to mind.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. His wine website is You can reach him at Blog60377
Camille Blog10376

Cisco PIX/ASA Security Appliance: How to Configure Banners

Banners can be configured to display when a user first connects (MOTD), when a user logs in (login), or when a user accesses privileged mode (exec). Banners are used for legal warnings such as when a user is cautioned not to access a restricted system or that their access of a system is subject to monitoring and logging. Banners are also used on locked systems placed at customer locations by service providers to provide contact information for device access or technical support. The Cisco security appliance supports the use of login banners in console sessions and Telnet sessions, but not in SSH sessions. Exec and MOTD banners are supported in console, Telnet, and SSH sessions. Banners can be up to 510 characters in length. You can create multiple line banners either by creating multiple banner statements or by using the keystroke sequence of "\n" which inserts a carriage return.

Here's how banners are displayed:

MOTD Banners--When usernames are not configured, MOTD displays at login in a serial console session and before login in Telnet sessions. When usernames are configured, MOTD displays before login in a Telnet session and after login in a serial console session.

Login Banners--The login banner displays before login in Telnet and serial console sessions.

Exec Banners--The exec banner displays upon login in all sessions.

How to Configure a Banner

Note: The following procedures were tested on an ASA 5505 Security Appliance running software version 7.22. Other hardware or software platforms may require modification of these procedures in order to function properly.

To configure a banner, use the following configuration mode commands:

asa(config)#banner motd This is a restricted system.
asa(config)#banner motd Do not attempt unauthorized access.

Notice the use of two banner motd statements to create a multi-line banner. As mentioned previously, you can also use the "\n" key sequence to insert a carriage return.

You can view the banners you created with the following privileged mode command:

asa#show running-config banner

Hands-On Exercise: Creating Banners on the Security Appliance

The following procedures are for training purposes only and should only be performed on devices in a laboratory environment. Under no circumstances should these procedures be performed on equipment in a live, production environment without first verifying their suitability in a laboratory environment.

In the following hands-on exercise, you will create MOTD, login, and EXEC banners.

Step 1: In configuration mode, enter the following commands:

asa(config)#banner motd This is the MOTD banner
asa(config)#banner login This is the login banner
asa(config)#banner exec This is the EXEC banner

Step 2: Display the banners you just created with the following command:

asa(config)#show running-config banner

Step 3: Type exit repeatedly until you are logged out of your laboratory security appliance.

Notice which banners are displayed.

Step 4: Enter privileged mode with the command "enable" and notice which banners are displayed.

Step 5: From your laboratory computer, start a Telnet session and again observe which banners are displayed. When you are finished, exit the Telnet session.

Step 6: Also from your laboratory computer, start an SSH session and again observe which banners are displayed. When you are finished, exit the SSH session.

Note: The above procedures are similar to the procedures used to configure banners on other Cisco devices including routers.

Copyright (c) 2007 Don R. Crawley

Don R. CrawleyArlee Blog95225
Adriena Blog789

San Francisco Schools Connect To China And Its Chinese Community

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative School, one San Francisco School, is the first Chinese immersion school in the United States. The school is designed as a two-way Chinese/English instructional environment. The school provides an outstanding educational experience for children of all backgrounds. All students at Alice Fong Yu develop competency in the Cantonese and English languages and use the two languages actively in the content curriculum. The school aims to have all students to be able to converse in and become literate in both English and Cantonese by 5th grade. The Mandarin language is added after the fifth grade. The Mandarin/English program is similar in scope and function to the Cantonese/English program. The program is intended to vigorously include the staff, parents, and students in cultural and language education. The Alice Fong Yu school uses parents and volunteers in a variety of enrichment programs such as, Performing Arts Workshop, Poets in the Schools, and science and library consultants.

The Alice Fong Yu Alternative Schools Chinese Exchange Program

Created in 2000, the exchange program sends the eighth grade class to Beijing to meet their Chinese pen pals. The program gives students the opportunity to use their knowledge of the Chinese language and culture in a real life experience. The students travel to Beijing and Hong Kong where they meet Chinese students their own age. This experience allows students to experience the culture first-hand and put their language skills to the ultimate test.

In January of 2005, the program came closer to being a true exchange program. San Francisco Schools through the Alice Fong Yu School hosted students and teachers from The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University. The selected students and two teachers from China stayed with host families and participated in classes and school functions including English, art and modern dance classes. The Chinese students were able to tour City College, the Chinese Consulate and many interesting tourist destinations in the San Francisco area. Both the local and Chinese students spent their time practicing English and Mandarin.

Dance and Art Students from San Francisco Schools Travel to China

Other programs in San Francisco Schools have allowed students to travel to China to participate in international exchanges and competitions. This summer five students from the San Francisco School of Arts will travel to ShenZhen, China as representatives of the United States at the ShenZhen International Culture and Arts Festival. As part of an Educational Exchange program facilitated by Dr. Marie Lee, Director of East/West Child Research and Development Center and former school administrator of the San Francisco Schools, all student expenses in China will be provided in full by the ShenZhen Nanshan Government. The five selected students will perform two dances, Chant of the Sirens and Basin Street Blues. The School of the Arts students were the only students from the United States invited to the Festival in 2006. The three hundred students at the Festival represented countries from around the world including: Australia/ New Zealand, Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, Canada, India, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and others. Along with performing at the Festival students will visit schools, attend art exhibitions, eat new foods, visit tourist locations, and learn about Chinese culture and language while staying with Chinese families and students.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more on San Francisco schools visit Blog57300
Catherine Blog14941

Add Shower Curtains to Your Bath Decor for Lasting Beauty

Shower curtains are probably the most visible part of your bathroom decor. They can be seen from every corner of the room and are also usually the largest hanging item. They line your tub, protect your floor from splashed water, and give you a sense of privacy while bathing. So it makes sense to choose your shower curtains wisely. Use the guide below to find just the right shower curtains for your bathroom.

Choose by Style, Colors, and Patterns

Shower curtains can match your decor in several ways. Your bathroom may follow a certain theme such as dolphins, fish, birds, flowers, and even more dramatic effects such as giraffes or tigers! The shower curtains can match your bathroom's theme. For added beauty, choose a shower curtain liner that's a solid color. This will bring out the themed curtain even more.

If your bathroom is decorated in colors rather than a certain theme, choose shower curtains that match or complement those colors. Some color combinations to consider are light (or mint green) and white, burgundy and beige variations or cinnamon colors, red and white or red and black, blue with light mauve, yellow with pastels, or dark green with a mix of floral patterns including burgundy, green, blue, and yellow flowers.

If you have a window curtain in your bathroom, you can also match your shower curtain to your window curtain. This causes all other colors and patterns to fall into place.

Consider Practicality

If decorating a children's bathroom, consider a simple vinyl or plastic curtain that offers a fun and playful theme. For a formal bathroom, choose cotton, silk, or linen with a PVC vinyl or fabric liner. Choose a shower curtain that's durable and can easily be cleaned. Check for good stitching and grommets (reinforcements for the ring holes) that are rustproof.

To simplify things, you can now choose shower curtain liners that are very easy to remove for cleaning. There are zip-off shower curtain liners that zip on and off just below the rings for cleaning and can be washed in the washing machine. These easy-to-remove shower curtain liners save you time if you're always in a hurry when cleaning.

Shower Curtain Rods and Rings

Be sure to choose shower curtain rods and rings that enhance your decor, especially in a formal bathroom. Detailed shower curtain rings will stand out to your guests and add beauty to your curtains and tub. The rod should be made of materials that will not rust or peel. Both the rod and rings should be strong enough to hold your shower curtains.

To increase the "space" in your bathtub, use curved rods that come out and around from the tub. These are lovely and give you plenty of elbowroom!

Once you decide on colors and styles for your bathroom, you're ready to shop for shower curtains. You can compare styles and even buy shower curtains online from your own personal computer. There are many colors and styles as well as easy-to-remove shower curtain liners that make decorating and cleaning a breeze. Give your bath decor the look and feel you want today!

Chris Robertson is a published author of Majon International. Majon International is one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing and internet advertising companies on the web. Visit their main business resource web site at: http://www.majon.comCarolee Blog62241
Alisha Blog97492

Karaoke Downloads Available Online

If you love your karaoke but would like to expand your music collection the internet is the perfect place to visit. You'll need to understand the different types of Karaoke tracks used and then you're ready to choose from all the karaoke downloads that are available online.

1. CD+G Disks

This is the most common format used by karaoke players and thus the most popular with users. This is a very commercial venue so you won't likely find too much for free although there are sample downloads offered and 30 day free trials. With the CDG format the background music, lyrics, and even video are all encrypted on the CD. The price of these CD's includes the licensing fees.

2. MP3 Tracks

You can find all kinds of MP3 karaoke tracks all over the web. Some for free and some that cost just a little bit. Find your favorites and begin downloading.

The Singing Station has a huge song library that you can access 24/7. You'll find high quality tracks that are so good even professionals can use them. Choose from the latest and greatest or find some of your favorite traditional songs. All music is fully licensed and you can download sample songs for free.

Karaoke Island provides MP3 tracks that have background vocals, instruments, and lyrics. And if you don't have a karaoke player they have software that will turn your computer into a player.

StreamKaraoke offers more than 15,000 songs to choose from and they have full screen lyric displays available too. Their demo player lets you conveniently listen. You get streaming video 24/7 with no strings attached. Not sure? Try the one week trial period.

3. MIDI Tracks

Musicians like this format. How good the tracks sound will depend a great deal on how good of a sound card you have combined with which software you are using on your computer.

MIDI files give the user more flexibility than other formats because you change the sound of instruments, you can even remove instruments, and you can change the tempo and the key and none it affects the quality of the track.

Karaoke MIDI files have the lyrics included and they can be viewed with MIDI software programs like Cubase. There are some great sites online that offer MIDI tracks for download.

Song Galaxy UK is one of those sites with more than 2000 downloadable MIDI files to choose from as well as over 6000 audio backing tracks available. The audio backing tracks are a very unique offering. These are tracks played by real musicians so you get live guitar and other instruments and they are combined with real backing vocals. Quality local bands record within a professional studio. produces high quality MIDI files complete with lyrics. In fact these guys are leaders in the industry and have been providing tunes to musicians since the 1980s. Fully licensed and they do provide samples for download free. Check them out!

4. CDs

Since karaoke CDs aren't new you can purchase all kinds of CDs that are karaoke player ready even though they may not provide the lyrics that appear on the screen. They come as instrumentals and they provide the written lyrics on the jacket. And you can find all kinds of downloads online many of them free. You can also put together your own CDs if you like.

By the looks of its popularity karaoke is certainly planning to stick around for awhile. So isn't it time you start building your tracks with free karaoke downloads?

Nan Edemann worked in a karaoke bar for 9 years before starting his own audio electronics store. His store specializes in karaoke machines and accessories and has a much larger variety of items than almost all large department stores. At, he shares his experience with you by listing out the top karaoke essentials with buying advice on various products.Arluene Blog77998
Caitlin Blog43751

Carnival Cruise Bargains

Ahh, cruising! There are a multitude of travel methods, but only cruising offers you the chance to choose on an almost hourly basis whether to seek excitement or solitude, activity or relaxation.

Relaxing on a cruise ship is a wonderful vacation at any age; however, such a getaway comes with a hefty price tag. Especially on higher-end cruise lines, these excursions can be very expensive and extract a toll on your bank account. Fortunately, many Carnival Cruise deals are available year round, so you can still take advantage of a cruise without spending every nickel you've saved.

First, check out Carnivals web site to see what deals are available. Often, when departure time is fast approaching, Carnival will offer huge savings to book empty suites on upcoming cruises. The more available beds they have to offer, the larger the savings may be. The company generally loses money when a ship is not fully used, because many costs are fixed, and therefore will offer significant discounts to avoid that happening. Likewise, a full ship makes passengers feel as though they made a good decision in purchasing tickets -- their fears are assuaged because of the popularity. Besides, no one wants to cruise on an empty ship.

Similarly, empty rooms are also sometimes available on discount web sites. There are several sites that specialize in cruise lines, and you can purchase tickets at moderate to strong savings. Of course, these sites are usually less accommodating than the host cruise line itself, so what you see is what is available. Therefore, you may not be able to customize your list of options as you would if buying from another source. However, you can still get a great deal on a luxury cruise online.

Carnival cruises itself offers various special promotions from time to time. The company may celebrate an anniversary or other significant milestone with a discount package, and there may be discounts available at other times as well. It can't hurt to check the companys website periodically to see what is available. Obviously, the more research you do, the less you will pay in the end. It is just a question of balancing the hours you spend at the computer, looking for bargains, versus how you might spend that time in more valuable ways. As with all things in life, striking a balance is key. Don't let bargain hunting ruin the fun of planning a vacation; instead consider taking fewer, but higher quality vacations.

William Jones writes for several web sites, including and Blog31314
Alfi Blog22923

Small Business Ideas, Success By Faith!

You have to believe in your small business ideas. What you believe truly and with feeling will become your reality. When you change what you believe, you can change your reality and your performance.Your thoughts and beliefs can either help you achieve your goals or keep you from achieving success.

People with a negative approach to life and the naysayers says : I don't believe it until I see it! In fact, it's the other way around, it is not until you believe it, you'll see it! And it doesn't matter what "it" is.

To limit your self by your thoughts is the worst thing you can do. That will for certain keep you from achieving the success you want. There is an old saying : whether you think you can or you can't, you're right.

Once you adapt, how powerful your mind is, it can help you to manifest the things you really want. You need to have a clear vision on what you want to achieve. Form a solid plan to get you there. Truly and full heartedly believe you are destined to achieve your goals. During your journey, you must stay focused and believe in your small business ideas.

One of the biggest challenges you will face, is to persevere and maintain focus on your goals, when you reach seemingly impossible to get through setbacks or obstacles. What we can learn from the past, is that we normally approach an obstacle with the feeling that this is a negative setback.

In fact, obstacles will help you to grow and can be positive! Sometimes things go completely wrong, you struggle through it, and when the difficulties are behind you, you can look back and see what you have learned from the experience. You can see that you have become a stronger and wiser person, thanks to that obstacle.

A person who give up and turn around at the sight of an obstacle, will not have much of a chance to reach the destination.By maintaining believe in your small business ideas, you will be able to achieve your goals. It might be that you reach your destination from a slightly different direction.

Once you have gained the ability to stay persistent through all obstacles and setbacks, you will be able to realize your small business ideas and create the reality that you desire.

Start today, believe that you're destined to be a successful small business owner. Get your focus very clear, aim for your true desires. Make a plan how to get to your goal, believe with all your heart, that you will get there.

Make it an habit to act like you have already accomplished your goals. Act as the successful person you want to be. This new behavior will influence your beliefs, which in turn will help you to achieve your goals!

To achieve success is no mystery, it is available for anyone. The first step is to believe that you will succeed with your small business ideas.

Ove Nordkvist is the Founder of the web site where you can get help with ideas, tools and resources to start a small business. You can download free Masters Courses for a variety of small business ideas at Blog69726
Alanna Blog1889

Top Ten Outdoor Gardening Tips for Fall

Your garden should be a relaxing, enjoyable place to be in every season. Keeping your outdoor space inviting is easy with these tips for yards and water gardens in the fall.

1. Keep the water in your outdoor fountain or garden pond free of fallen leaves. Not only can leaves and other fallen organic matter decompose in your pond and cause problems with bacteria and algae, they can also clog your pump. Skim leaves off the surface daily and be sure to use an algaecide made for fountain such as No More Algae for Fountains (found at

2. Clean your fountain pump before emptying the water for the winter. This will ensure that any debris inside the pump wont be left to dry up and clog the inner workings once youve emptied the water from your fountain. Remove the cover and pull out anything that may have accumulated inside.

3. Protect your fountain from cracks due to the expansion and contraction of water as it freezes and thaws. Purchase a fountain cover in the appropriate size and cover the fountain from the top to the bottom of the basin (pedestals dont need to be covered). This will keep precipitation from falling into the basins and causing damage.

4. Prepare your water garden for the upcoming freeze by sinking all hardy perennial aquatics to the deepest area of the pond. This will keep them in the warmest water available and allow them to go dormant for the winter without sustaining damage.

5. If your pond is too shallow to sink your plants over the winter, consider purchasing a de-icer. De-icers heat a small opening in the top of your pond where it would normally freeze over, allowing the release of toxic gases from decomposing organic matter to escape and also oxygenating the water.

6. If you supplement your landscaping or water garden with tropical plants, its best to remove them for the winter unless you live in a mild climate. They wont survive the cold weather, and as they decay they can cause damage to other plants around them. Its recommended to treat them as annuals and purchase new ones each spring.

7. Dont cut your perennials down over the winter leave them standing so they can provide resources for birds. Many plants have attractive foliage and seed pods that offer both food and shelter during the snowy months when both can be difficult for birds to find. Birds need water, also use a plastic container and replace the water frequently.

8. Mulch around perennials and well-established plants to maintain a uniform soil temperature and add a few extra weeks to the root development of newly planted shrubs and trees.

9. Give your garden a good fall cleanup to prevent disease and insect problems next year. Canker, mildew, fungi and other problem spots in your yard can spread to other plant life if the rotting plant matter is allowed to linger and be spread around by wind and water. Prune dead branches, gather fallen leaves and collect yard waste piles and either burn, bury or compost.

10. Plant spring bulbs in October. Planting tulip, crocus, daffodils and other flower bulbs at this time will give the roots time to get established before warm weather rolls back around. Prepare the soil to ensure that it has good drainage. Soil fertility is also important work a complete commercial fertilizer into the upper 4 to 6 inches of soil. The depth of the soil above the bulb should be approximately twice the diameter of the bulb.

Stephanie Gottschalk writes the blogs 'Picnic Fun - Tips and Recipes' ( and 'The Joy of Water Fountains' ( for Specialty Living Inc., an Asheville, North Carolina-based company that aims to share their love of people, nature and life through high quality water fountains, picnic baskets and outdoor living products.Arabella Blog73919
Albertina Blog39273

Boats and Safe Boating


Boating is one of the favorite American summer pastimes. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 million people go boating each year. While boating is much safer than driving a car, there are still enough boating accidents to raise some alarm signals as to why boating accidents occur. 53% of fatal boating accident victims drowned, while 39% suffered trauma and 9% died of other causes. Most boating deaths result from falling out of a small open boat, without a PFD, whether it capsizes or not. Make sure that all boaters have on flotation devices. When boating be alert to sudden boat motion changes, wind shifts, light flashes and the beginning of choppy water. These sudden changes can all mean a storm is brewing. Always carry a radio with the local Marine Band on it. The Marine Band broadcasts storm warnings, which should alert you to head in to a dock until the storm blows over.

On The Water

There is no excuse for littering, especially on the water. The litter that you throw into the water can contaminate fish, the water that goes to our cities, and surrounding farmlands. Going out on the boat with your family can be a fun experience that can create many happy childhood memories for your children. Growing up on the water is an experience that not all children get to have. If sunbathing is a priority, then a calm inlet where you can tie floats to the boat and be lazy in the water is a perfect spot. Many now rent houseboats where they spend their vacations enjoying the peace and tranquility of the waterways.


Canoes are designed for ease of getting in and out, especially for older folks wishing to get into the sport. Canoes are versatile and practical for a number of reasons, and can work in a number of different situations. When it comes to introducing yourself to the water, canoes are a great place to start. The longer canoes are excellent for long open water trips, but you can also buy one-person smaller canoes for running white water. One feature that the canoe has over the Kayak is its storage capacity, which allows passengers to haul large amounts of accessories and supplies on extended water trips. Canoes however can sometimes be difficult to transport, unless you have a full-sized pickup truck and especially if you plan on loading it yourself. Another drawback of canoes is that when it rains heavily, the boat can fill up with water very rapidly.


The way kayaks are designed; they seem to blend in with the natural surroundings instead of disturbing them. Kayaks are never motorizedthey are propelled manually, using one oar that has a paddle on either side. Kayaks are small, streamlined boats that have tapered ends and slightly thicker centers. There are openings in the middle that are just large enough to fit one person. One benefit that kayaks have over canoes is their portability. Kayaks are very easy to transport due to their size as compared to a canoe. Another thing that is making Kayaks very popular is their storability. Inflatable kayaks are becoming more and more popular for this main reason. The serenity of paddling your kayak along a glassy lake in the early morning or along a river through a small canyon at sunset can be an incomparable experience.

Engine driven boats

Before starting your engine, always carefully sniff for gasoline fumes in the engine and fuel areas, open hatches and run the blower. Fuel fires and explosions burn and kill boaters each year. People who take boat trips often fail to realize the potential disasters that can ensue if they are not careful and safe on-board their boat. Over 1,000 people die on boating trips per year, and many of the dangers associated with boating are easily preventable.

Alcohol and Boating

Did you know?

* The use of alcohol is involved in about a third of all recreational boating fatalities?

* The penalties for BUI (boating under the influence) can include large fines, revocation of operator privileges and serious jail terms?

* It is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence of alcohol or drugs in every state?

Every boater needs to understand the risks of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs (BUI). The Coast Guard also enforces a federal law that prohibits BUI. This law pertains to ALL boats (from canoes and rowboats to the largest ships) and includes foreign vessels that operate in U.S. waters, as well as U.S. vessels on the high seas.


Bottom line: don't drink and boat, wear your lifejacket, carry a radio with the Marine Band on it, take a safe boating course and maintain a proper lookout, especially for boaters who fit the profile of an accident-maker. Each year hundreds of lives are lost... thousands are injured... and millions of dollars of property damage occurs because of preventable recreational boating accidents on U.S. waterways. Too often pleasure outings turn tragic. You as a boat operator, passenger, or concerned individual can make a difference.

Copyright © 2007 Jerry Tarrer

Jerry Tarrer was born in West Virginia. At the end of World War II his father returned from the war and moved the entire family to Chicago Illinois. He was educated in the inner city completing high school and 2 years of college. Jerry became a Master Lithographer and worked in his field for 37 years. Jerry is the grandfather of 13 children and operates his own web site at and http://www.LiveSafeNow.comAudie Blog44809
Anne Blog3714

Why Do You Need a Real Estate Appraisal?

Anytime you buy or sell real estate, you need a real estate appraisal. The primary purpose is to find out exactly how much your property is worth. Banks and similar lending companies also require it, before a buyer can obtain a mortgage.

A real estate appraisal develops an educated and trained opinion on the value of the property. It also, in some circumstances, may ascertain the best use of the property, garnering the best selling price. For example, a long-time residential property may be in an area that has been rezoned for limited commerce, which could potentially bring in a higher sales price than marketing the real estate to potential residential buyers.

An appraiser differs from an inspector, who is looking for things that need to be corrected, repaired or replaced things that are required by law to be completed before the property can be sold or to enhance your sale price. Though an appraiser will look at these same things, he/she is only interested in developing the value of the property.

A real estate appraisal is based on the highest and best use of real property what use of the property will produce the highest possible value? The final appraisal must be both profitable and probable.

The real estate appraisal includes a definition of the type of value that is being developed whether it is a market value (what most sellers need), a condemnation value, quick sale value, and so on.

The Process

The appraiser looks at each property individually, beginning with an objective inspection of the interior and exterior of the home or building, as well as driving through the surrounding neighborhood. The appraiser looks for the assets, as well as the detriments, of the property. For homes, gross living space, quality of construction, location, layout, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, the lot size, condition of the home and land, central air conditioning, landscaping, number of fireplaces or the lack thereof, decks, pool, fencing, recent renovations, amenities provided by the surrounding neighborhood, and crime statistics of the area are all considered by the real estate appraiser.

Living space is calculated by measuring the outside of the home. It does not include such areas as the garage, porches, sheds, and so on. Basements are generally calculated separately from the living space. The contributory value of basements is determined by the local market, government regulation, if it is finished or not (and the quality of the finish), and so on.

The real estate appraiser usually only considers permanent buildings within his/her appraisal. Fixtures that can be relocated, such as above ground pools and sheds, are not included in the appraisal.

If you are the real estate seller, you should point out any features, amenities or improvements of your home that are not readily discernable.

Next, the real estate appraiser analyzes the available market data for your area and the surrounding neighborhood, including current and historical comparable sales, current offers for comparable homes, pending sales, and proposed improvements. The appraiser gathers data from a variety of sources, as well as his/her own personal knowledge of the local market. The appraiser then compares your real estate to the broader market.

Each real estate appraiser has his/her own process of analyzing, collecting and reconciling the needed appraisal data. If you get five different appraisals for your real estate, you may receive five different appraisal opinions. They should, however, all be within a similar value range, if they are completed within the same timeframe and under the same conditions.

Though the real estate appraisal is not for public consumption, it may be shared with all parties concerned. For instance, a buyer has offered $150,000 for a home, but the buyer-side, commissioned appraisal value is only $146,000. Sharing this appraisal with the seller means that the owner can do needed improvements to bring the price up or offer the real estate to the buyer for the appraisal amount.

For the highest appraisal possible, real estate sellers should have an inspection and appraisal done before putting the property on the market. First, the inspection in order to make any needed repairs or renovations. Then, get the appraisal to ensure you are getting the most for your real estate.

John Harris is an expert researcher and writer on real estate topics such as economics, credit improvement tips, home selling advice and home buying preparations. For more on San Diego Homes for Sale visit Blog39510
Cecile Blog89172

How Does Exercise Biking Help You To Maintain Good Health?

So you're thinking of purchasing an exercise bike? Good for you! Have you found the perfect spot for it in your home? First, you must know your options. Exercise bikes have changed with the times and now you can choose from more than just an upright. There are semi recumbent and recumbent bikes as well.

It's always a good idea to read about others experiences with the type of bike you've chosen, in exercise magazines or on the internet. Family and friends are always good reliable sources of information too. Why not talk with a personal trainer and ask their advice? When reading through exercise bike reviews, take into consideration they are typically rated according to their various functions, their overall construction and performance.

Exercise can be fun, and should be something you look forward to doing. Remember that as you choose what type of bike your purchasing, and always aim for something with a bit of comfort. Important points to consider; the height of the bike seat should be at an appropriate level to alleviate undo stress on the lower back, more accurately the groin area. This is yet another good reason to read as many reviews about the bike of your choice.

Many online stores will offer discounts and specials to their online shoppers. Reading through a review will give you a better idea of price and the upper hand when haggling with a sales person.

Reading a bike review is a good idea for so many reasons. Allow other peoples experiences guide you in making a wise purchase. Their opinions are invaluable when planning on spending a significant amount of money on something that will undoubtedly be a fixture in your home for many years to come.

Fitness centers and gyms have a variety of exercise equipment and bikes. If you decide that your not ready to make that purchase, consider a membership to your local gym, and use that extra space in your home for a new, smaller wardrobe. A benefit to using the bikes at the gym is versatility and changeability. Places that specialize in exercise equipment will likely have newer, higher end models from standard to electronic.

An exercise bike or membership to a gym is a really good investment, anyway you look at it. Riding an exercise bike for just a short time everyday, will make you look and feel better. It's a great way to loose excess weight or just to help you maintain your health. Biking is good cardiovascular exercise as well. So do your heart a favor and take a ride!

Stephen Madsen is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog85634
Catlaina Blog97178

Is Notebook A Better Choice Than Desktop?

If internet made the world a global village, then we might as well say that notebooks made it a global colony. With desktops, things were a click away from us; notebook shorted the distance. Now we can carry the global colony on our shoulder. High-end technology at your lap, perhaps, we need nothing to conquer the world of convergence.

The great advantage of notebooks is that it gives us a sense of portability and mobility. Looking critically, portability is the only feature, a notebook has over desktops then why do we choose to go for a notebook? Notebooks can let you carry your work conveniently and you do not have to worry about all the wires, hardware and space required to keep a desktop. Also it's a matter of choice between work and home. You may want to work from home, when your baby or wife is ill. A notebook comes in handy then.

A notebook has a different role to play for different people, but it gives an incredible sense of freedom. Gone are the days when people walked around with pen and paper. All you need to do today to make notes it to buy a notebook. You may want to quickly write a email to a radio station, which is making noise in the name of music. You may want to sit in your neighborhood coffee shop and write a book or letter. But if you want to carry your notebook everywhere you go, you have to consider the weight of the machine too. A notebook weighs between 5 to 10 pounds; an ultralight model is even lighter. Whereas, a desktop computer, with its standalone CPU, monitor, and keyboard, weighs in at about 70 pounds. A notebook takes much lesser space too and is very convenient.

Some of the most famous notebooks are Sony Vaio, Apple MacBook, Dell Latitude, Toshiba, HP. Also there are many affordable versions of notebooks marketed by companies like Fujitsu, Panasonic, IBM, Asus and etc.

Let's look at a scenario where at a school, students are quietly seated at their desks and working on a class assignment with no teachers to guide them. It's real, and is happening in many schools around us. Now, we don't have to mourn looking at our tiny ones carrying pounds of baggage in their backs. Notebook has it all, from their books to assignment copies.

When we look at the productive side of the picture, we would promptly realize that a notebook is always a wise choice for an employer too. It makes his or her employees to achieve more productivity at work. It saves critical office space. At any crucial moment, a notebook can help you to do the work, even when you are not physically present in the office. When the traffic is high, and your boss is waiting for presentation in a conference room, a notebook comes to the rescue. A desktop PC does not give all this freedom for a good worker.

A research says that employees with notebooks work more than those companies with desktop PCs. A notebook enables you to work from anywhere, while traveling, from a beauty parlor, or while waiting for someone at a shopping mall. And the only disadvantage a notebook has is its safety, unless you doubly assure it from theft. It's easy to pick and elope for anyone at a busy commercial place. So, ensure the safety of your costly gadget that makes you feel the world is at your feet and enjoy the power of technology.

This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author's name and all the URLs (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Blog75406
Cal Blog68320

Business Mentor - Building a Successful Business Is Like Building A House

If you were to go to your local bookstore and stroll up and down the aisle that contains all of the business books, you may be surprised by the amount of construction language that you see in the titles. Successful business owners have discovered that the key steps to owning and operating their own businesses are similar to the key steps of building a house.

Before you jump into the process of building your own business, it may be a good idea to look at the process of building a house to understand the best way to have a long-lasting, successful business. Keep in mind that you may have to roll up your sleeves and get your fingers dirty in the process.

Building Plans

No one starts construction on a house without a blueprint. You must have a structured plan in place in order to build a house that will look right and will last. A good plan also helps you to make sure that you dont forget any details while you're under construction or helps you think of things you might have missed when you put your ideas to paper.

Likewise, when you are building a business, a good plan is essential. Having a good concept isn't enough to start a business that will last. You must also know where you are now, where you want to go, and how you will get there. Not only will there be countless details to keep track of, but a good plan will help you monitor your goals and track your growth and success.

Start by deciding your vision of what you want your business to be in five years. That period is a realistic and reasonable goal for any business owner. Next, set down where you are right now, and this is probably at the beginning. If you were building a house, you'd be standing on a piece of untouched land, dreaming of your final home.

Finally, figure out the steps you need to take to get from here, a fresh lot, to there, a finished home (or in this case, a business). Decide major points of each building phase, and then break things down even further into smaller steps. Any project is much easier to handle when everything is broken into small, manageable chunks.

Startup Capital

Every house to be built has expenses and costs from the beginning. Land, building materials, and labor are all expenses paid up front. The same is true of any business, and having start-up capital that not only covers your expenses to build your business and get it operating, but also allows a cushion for unexpected fees or payments is important.

Try to determine what your business needs and costs will be. Research numbers, compare pricing, and shop around. Then, once those figures are added up to a total, find the startup capital to cover not only that amount, but also enough to cover the same amount for a few months. Running a business hand to mouth with no guarantees of income is a touchy situation. At best, you'll make money from day one, and your startup capital can be set aside for a rainy day.

A Solid Foundation and a good Frame

Before the first nail drives into a house, a lot of work goes on below ground level. Building a strong foundation ensures that your house isnt going to blow away the first time it storms. Likewise, your business must have a firm foundation, or else it may collapse the first time you encounter a shaky situation or have some kind of crisis. Your business may look pretty on the outside or have many rooms, but without deep roots firmly set on one basic idea, your business will remain


The foundation of your company needs to be based in what you want to accomplish and the long-term goals that you have set. Spreading yourself out thin from the start creates a house of cards that can easily be blown apart. Develop a deep conviction about who you are, what your business does, and what you stand for.

Don't build too fast. When adding rooms to your house (or areas of service to your business) make sure the framing is solid and will stand against winds. Competition will blow at a business and try to knock it down, but a solid foundation and strong framing will stand the test of the elements and time.

A Building Schedule

Houses can be built within a few short weeks, and you can build your business the same way, if you'd like. But if you'll notice, those rush-job houses all look the same, aren't well constructed, and they may not have space to expand. They certainly don't seem like they'll still be around in a century, unlike well-built strong stone heritage houses or solid churches.

Don't rush to slap together a cheap business if you want your business to last a long time, build slowly and carefully, measuring progress as you go and adding on a room at a time. Make sure that the business fits you well and that you're comfortable in it, much like making sure that you like living in your home. Taking the time to pay attention to solid construction and small details that make all the difference will pay off in the long run. Also, by working at building your business slowly, you can make it stand out from the rest.

Renovations and Remodeling

Sometimes in the process of building a house, you may find that you want to change the design or you need an extra room added on. The same is true for your growing business. If you are in the process of building your company, its okay to change your plans and make changes. In fact, if you can't make changes or add services on as you grow, your business will be limited in its potential, much like a small house that doesn't suit a growing family.

Make sure that you aren't limiting yourself too much. Build small and well, but be prepared to be flexible to the market and client needs, adapting your design to be one that fits both you and your customers. Allow for growth, and have some idea of what that growth might be so that you can plan where you'll eventually add it on to your business design.

Jean Bartlett editor of newsletter for Women Entrepreneurs which shares helpful news and information with women entrepreneurs around the world designed to keep the business women in touch with key events, relevant research and, most importantly, each other! Blog34656
Candace Blog61396

8 Questions To Ask When Choosing A Medical School

Choosing a college to attend is no easy task so weve come up with eight questions to ask yourself to help narrow down your selection:

1. Will my current high school grades get me into medical school and if not, what can I do to make it happen?
(Note: According to an article on Yahoo! Education [], Many medical schools do not include community college grades when calculating GPAs.)

2. Do I work better in a large classroom or small classroom?

3. Do I want to sacrifice attending the best medical school (academic recognition) to be closer to family and friends?

4. Do I want the best education money can buy or do I want an education that fits within my current financial situation?

5. Do I want more hands-on training sessions (patient contact) or more lectures and book learning?
(Note: IAMP ( offers clinical and didactic training.)

6. Do I want a certificate or diploma so I can start working in the medical field right away? And if so, will the job and certification I receive offer early training for further studies?

7. Will the college help prepare me for further education should I want to obtain a bachelors, masters or PhD or need to transfer to another medical school?

8. What does the college require upon entrance and can I meet all those requirements? (i.e. application; entrance exam; letters of recommendations from teachers, employers, colleagues, etc.; certain grade point average and school records, extracurricular activities, etc.)

Finally, medical school is expensive. Dont forget to ask, Does the medical school offer private scholarships, work-study programs, and a qualified financial aid counselor?

The Institute of Allied Medical Professions, also known as IAMP, has an established record for turning out some of the best medical students in the country. To learn more about IAMPs medical schools, our courses, or the industry visit our blog at or our main website at Alethea Blog48461
Cam Blog13107

Rollback Rx A Great Pc Maintenance Solution

Maintaining a PC or a network of PCs has become very easy with RollBack Rx system restore software, which lets you do a complete pc restore, at the same time retaining all the data even if it has been created after the system restore point. As an advanced PC maintenance solution, Rollback Rx is great as a data recovery solution. Compared to other PC maintenance applications in the market, Rollback Rx is way ahead in its category. It takes system snapshots and choosing a snapshot does the pc restore.

Rollback Rx Snapshots

A snapshot in Rollback Rx is a checkpoint for system configuration, indicating a specific point in time. Unlimited snapshots are possible with Rollback Rx Pro. So this means unlimited number of system configurations. Each of these is stored as a snapshot, and you can choose among them to do a PC restore when you have to fix computer problems. In other words, you can roll back or roll ahead to choose the system state you want. These snapshots, which are literally maps of the sectors on the hard drive where data is stored, are stored on the hard drive itself within the Rollback Rxs system data structure. No files or folders are used as backup the snapshots are parts of the hard drive sector. One question that keeps coming up is what happens if you change the Rollback Rx password and do a system restore to a point before when you changed it. The new password will still hold good.

Easing Critical Updates

If you are a system administrator you will be happy to hear that RollBack Rx makes it very easy to accommodate for Windows Critical Updates. You need not have batch files or complicated scripting. More than anything else, you need not leave your systems on through the night, risking all sorts of additional computer problems. What RollBack Rx does is to free up your time by keeping your network of computers automatically updated with the most recent security patches, so that you can peacefully attend to other priorities.

As far as compatibility with antivirus or antispyware application goes, Rollback Rx system restore software works with them seamlessly. Rollback Rx can protect from day zero attacks without any data loss too. But every system user wants their antivirus and antispyware application to provide real time protection in the prevention of virus and spyware attacks. Rollback Rx enables antivirus signature updates to happen automatically. There is no folder redirection or downtime scheduling involved, avoiding a host of additional problems. Just schedule to take a system snapshot before or after any updates with Rollback Rx system restore software.

Jacob Henderson is the technical head of Horizon Data Systems and leading software development firm in the business of Desktop Security and PC performance enhancement software. During his more than 10 years of software development experience in various positions, Jacob Henderson has developed a large number of state of the art software and written numerous articles and reports. Jacob Henderson was one of the core team leaders, that is responsible for the development of user integration features of the flagship product of the Company-Rollback Rx Software.Arabele Blog33244
Anderea Blog18683

How to Make Victorian Lamp Shades

During the Victorian era lighting was primarily from gas. But with Edisons improved design of the incandescent light bulb in 1879, electric lighting began replacing gas lighting in Victorian homes. This change became the catalyst for a variety of lamp shades made to shield the glaring light bulbs.

Elegant shades graced table and floor lamps as well as crystal chandeliers imported from Europe. And the electric light bulb enabled fine work to be sewn at night usually under a parlor bridge lamp. Today the tradition of hand-sewn lamp shades continues and here are tips and sewing techniques from the experts. When buying or recovering a lamp shade today, keep the design of the lamp base in mind. Curved shades compliment curved lamps and angular shades normally work best with angular lamps. Shade frames are available for lamp bases with harps, bridge lamps, floor lamps with glass bowls, chandeliers, headboards, night-lights and more.

Shade frames can usually be recovered or new ones purchased. An antique frame is stripped, covered with rust-retardant and recovered. Over the years, a large variety of styles were designed. Interesting, all the frames have names. Since flowers played such an important role in the Victorian decorating scheme, many have names such as Tulip and Daffodil.

The frame is then wrapped with cotton twill tape to enable the maker to sew the fabric onto the metal. Wrapping with the correct tension is an art that either results in a quality product or a shoddy piece.

The intricate patterns made by the joining of the metal wires create small windows. Each window (panel) is lined with satin, silk or other beautiful fabrics. While quality domestic fabrics are often used today, many individuals choose imported fabrics similar to those in fine Victorian homes.

One of the most popular special effects is the rosette. Here again the flower theme is repeated with sewing techniques that result in rose-like puffs. Usually they are combined with pleating or shirring that finishes the look. Another method is fan pleating a pattern that is reminiscent of the fans used by Victorian ladies to cool themselves. Lace or burn-out velvet are often sewn on adjoining panels.

The shade is finished with braid, lace, ribbon and specialty trims. The finishing trim is applied either by sewing or with hi-tech bonding agents (not hot glue). Fabulous hand-dyed fringe or sparkling beads and matching tassels for pull chains complete the finishing touches.

A quality hand-sewn lamp shade given the proper care will last for many years.

Copyright 2006 Candy Arnold

Candy Arnold began designing home interiors in Dallas, Texas in 1975 where she and her husband built custom homes. A demand for unique furniture and lighting accents led to Candy's interest in Victorian furnishings. She has been designing and sewing traditional Victorian, antique and vintage lamp shades ever since. Candy now lives with her family in the Tri-Cities, Washington. If you would like to purchase a "new" Victorian lamp shade or have an antique shade recovered, visit Blog50406
Alvina Blog80274

Saluting the Squawkers: Complaints Often Key to Improving Sales, Retention and Loyalty

It's said nobody likes a complainer. I beg to differ. In customer service a complainer is doing you a favor. They are the extension of your research, testing and quality assurance departments. Although essentially unpaid, they're providing you with invaluable, often real-time feedback on what isn't working in your business or your relationship with them. Try to put a price tag on that!

We know from surveys that most unhappy customers voice their displeasure with their feet they just walk. They simply go away. No fanfare, no pronouncements. One day they're disgruntled, the next they disappear.

You belatedly discern they've left but why? What happened? By then, it's probably too late. So let's celebrate the complainers. Let's salute the squeakers. The data they provide make improvement possible. Their feedback gives you end-user validation of your processes and procedures, your product lines and service levels.

Since most customers are convinced you either don't care or won't change, those that care to share should be valued and rewarded. Be open to their feedback. See the long term value of fixing a problem this customer has experienced. For each customer who complains many more may have already moved away, or will soon if you don't fix your problem.

Make it easy for customers to give you feedback and listen generously when they do come forth. Telling a customer "nobody else has complained" misses the point. Consider the following action steps to leverage complaints into constructive improvement:

Thank customers for taking the time to let you know of their less than stellar experiences.

Honor their courage in speaking up

Reward their input in little yet meaningful ways: complimentary items, discounts, future preferential treatment, etc.

When you act on their complaint let them know you've done so. They'll feel their power and your responsiveness will strengthen the bond between you and them.

In its own way a complaint is a compliment they cared enough to let you fix the problem. They think you're capable of doing so and will be delighted when you do. They're a customer worth saving!

Book Craig's LISTENING presentation for your company, association or workgroup: Adrianne Blog13
Bridget Blog46269

Advantages Of Earning Your Degree Online

Online at the Back of the Line

If earning your degree, especially as a mid-life returning student, is about personal fulfillment or training to start your entrepreneurship, then where or how you get your degree isn't important to you. What's important is simply that you learn what you need to learn.

If, however, you're looking for a degree to start or advance your career and you'll need to impress an employer or potential employer with that degree, you may be somewhat at a disadvantage having earned it online.

It doesn't seem fair, and in the next few decades this will undoubtedly change as online degrees become more common. But for now there is some resistance on the part of employers to the idea that you have learned as much as you might have in the classroom. The most notable exceptions to this are in the areas where the job skills you'll tackle once you get your degree rely on your technical and Internet savvy: high tech, new media, and telecommunications. Many employers also value an online consultant-related degree as highly as one earned on campus.

Employers' concerns about online degrees are that the student is losing out on valuable career-related input because of failure to interact face to face with instructor and peers. They also say it's just such a new concept that the jury has to be out on whether students are really learning this way - unlike classroom-focused education.

The career choices for which employers are least likely to accept online training are in health care, legal professions, biotechnology, governmental and financial services.

A survey of hundreds of human resource executives resulted in several suggestions for online-degreed job hunters: (1) Be up front with the employer that you earned your degree online; (2) Come to the interview armed with verification of the courses' or degrees' value - textbooks, tests, course materials, information on accreditation and even testimonials from respected educators or graduates who now hold influential and respected positions; (3) Offer some real hands-on experience such as an internship in the field. (4) Intersperse your online courses with courses or outside activities that show your team and people person skills - join Toastmasters, hold an office (student, non-profit organization or otherwise, join the school debate team or write for the school paper).

With one notable exception these do seem like good suggestions. The first idea, to let your employer know up front that you earned your degree online, seems self-serving on the part of these human resource folks. Surely this is not good advice for a job candidate who is under no obligation to explain how she or he got the degree - unless of course she bought it.

But that's an ethics issue. This is not. What this is more likely about is the employers' desires to delve into things about which they have no business. In the minds of many, undoubtedly, those who earn their degrees online are those who are tied down as caregivers of children, older than the age of the typical college student (which isnt' really typical anymore anyway,) or perhaps medically homebound for a time. None of which is ever the business of a recruiter.

The best advice, ultimately, for those who earn their degrees or part of their degrees online, is that they do not share this information unless asked directly. This is probably going to be sound advice at least until there has been a decade or so of entrepreneur or executive level success as a result of online-degreed education.

Robert Michael is a writer for Degree-SU which is an excellent place to find degrees links, resources and articles. For more information go to: http://www.degreesu.comAdella Blog59939
Caye Blog79620

Why Not Obtain Your Business Degree Online?

For any young person wondering what type of training they should venture into or what profession will supply them with a long-term, solid career, obtaining a business degree online may be the perfect solution to avoid many situations others face in their lives.

Finding a job in today's competitive markets isn't easy. First-time job seekers can be overwhelmed by the requirements companies are asking in their employment advertisements and need to know they have the education to back up their value to any business. People working at a good job without having finished college might one day face company reorganization and find themselves lacking employment. Having enough credentials and qualifications to land a new job that pays the same salary is very important. Some individuals choose a career and get the education they need, and then discover they don't enjoy the chosen profession.

Whatever the reason for needing a solid degree or for wanting to increase the education you already have, obtaining a business degree online is a great choice that gives you plenty of opportunity to train in a strong profession at your own pace and to explore building up employment experience at the same time. Online degrees allow you to earn credits and get instruction from the comfort of your own home and at the hours or days you choose to study, leaving you with plenty of spare time to pursue other ventures or personal interests. Many people can't afford to take years off work to earn their college degree and online education allows individuals to study part-time and hold a job that brings income at the same time.

Certainly, our information-packed, technological world has changed the face of training and instruction, with educational facilities responding to people's needs. Whereas in the past, distance education had a negligible reputation that wasn't always recognized, nowadays top schools and universities are offering online courses and degree programs that every employer considers an asset. For example, individuals can pursue a business degree online in the areas of private sector account, human resources management, business administration, health care and criminal justice. Degrees in these fields are very valuable to businesses and corporations, almost guaranteeing secure, high-paying employment.

Individuals interested in pursuing a business degree online definitely save in the expenses area, making this type of obtaining education a cost-effective one. There are no travel expenses or lodging costs related to online learning, and all any individual needs to receive online instruction is a computer. Keeping education costs low means that students incur far less debt, a big advantage versus those individuals who stay on campus or who commute to their educational facilities. Also, the opportunity to continue working without packing a part-time job into weekends means that many students can support themselves while earning their business degree online. The financial considerations of online and distance education make the choice of how and where to study an easy decision.

Of course, pursuing higher education and working towards a business degree online means that individuals need to ensure that other factors don't disrupt obtaining their credits. Having a quiet environment to study is important, and individuals with families need to set aside a place where they won't be disturbed. Also, dedication, motivation and self-control is also a large factor in online education procrastinating personalities and individuals who find it difficult to function outside of a controlled environment, such as scheduled classes and professor-assigned tasks, should not venture into distance education. But for most people, the goals of a solid degree and strong credentials is plenty enough motivation and the long-term results of a good career are well worth the efforts!

Andy West is a freelance writer for Virginia College. Virginia College Online offers many Business Degree Online programs. Please visit Virginia College Online at to select the online program that is right for you.Ariel Blog69415
Caryn Blog84047

Las Vegas: A Great Group Travel Destination

Most people have heard that Las Vegas is Disneyland for adults. What you might not know is that Las Vegas makes a great group travel destination for your next group tour, company retreat, multi generational family vacation or destination wedding.

With over 1100 flights a day landing and departing from the Las Vegas McCarran International Airport, transportation to your destination should not be a problem for anyone in your group. Over 125 cities offer direct flights to and from Las Vegas as well. Shuttles from the airport to Strip and Downtown hotels are plentiful and inexpensive. No matter when the individuals making up your group arrive, they will have no trouble getting from the airport to their hotel on their own with a few friendly tips before they leave home.

Upon arrival at their hotel, if their rooms are not ready, you will find friendly bell staffs that are willing to keep their bags for them until check in time. This makes it convenient for travelers to decide what time of the day they would like to arrive in Las Vegas. By planning your first group bus tour, group event, or group meal later in the evening or even early the next day, your group has time to arrive on a schedule that works for them and they wont feel as if they have missed out on anything by arriving later in the day if they need to due to personal or airline schedules.

No matter what kid of budget your group has to work with, there will be plenty of dining and hotel options to choose from. If you are planning group travel for a student group of college students, you will be interested in a different Las Vegas vacation than a multi generational family vacation group. An upscale, luxury minded travel group will be able to find the perfect group travel vacation as will the budget minded group tour leader. Dining options run the gamut from a menu of over 30 items for under $1.00 to a gourmet, 5 star meal prepared by one of the countrys fines chefs.

When it comes to activities, motor coach tours, bus tours or walking tours are all viable options for groups with numerous attractions or group tours to choose from. Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, Valley of Fire State Park, and Hoover Dam can all be enjoyed on a group bus tour as well as a tour to the Grand Canyon, just six hours away with lots of optional tours and excursions available for your group along the way.

Groups traveling with kids (or kids at heart) might enjoy a bus tour of roller coasters and theme park like attractions. Any group would enjoy a night time bus tour of the neon lights Las Vegas is famous for.

With the multitude of hotels, dining choices, and bus tour options, planning your group travel itinerary may seem overwhelming. I always recommend looking for a company that specializes in planning group travel when it comes to planning such a multi-faceted trip. Companies like Exploring America for adult groups or Adventure Student Travel for college student groups can take care of all of the finer details, many times get you better prices, and leave you stress free and with nothing to do but pack your lucky rabbits foot for your fabulous Las Vegas vacation. Good luck!

Jessica Kliethermes is a Group Travel Coordinator at Destinations Travel. Check us out on the web at or at http://www.adventurestudenttravel.comCelestyn Blog41106
Bunny Blog81557

7 Things To Know Before Shopping Bird Cages

I have found that people are not educated enough to make an informed decision when buying a bird cage. That's not good, because if you are buying a decent quality bird cage it isn't going to be cheap, and if you are paying a fair amount, you need to get the best product you can get for your money.

All of this has lead me to creating this article: "7 Things You Need To Know Before Buying A Bird Cage"

1. Is the cage you're considering made of materials that are safe for your bird?

Have you considered the toxicity levels of minerals like Zinc & Lead in the cage you are looking at? This is your #1 priority when shopping for a bird cage. This is the very first question you have to ask! If you can't get a straight answer, then it's time to move on, and this is why some cages are priced so much lower than other cages. All powder-coating on regular powder-coated cages has Zinc and/or Lead in it, but good manufacturers have taken the time to discuss this issue with veterinarians and other bird experts to determine a safe level for both of these minerals and good manufacturers demand that their cages are manufactured in a manner that meets or beats these standards!

2. Is the cage you're considering large enough to keep your bird safe, happy, & healthy?

This is a tricky issue to consider when shopping for a bird cage, but here is the rule of thumb; the bigger the cage the better, as long as the bar spacing isn't too wide. So what is too wide of a bar spacing for your bird? Basically you don't want your bird to be able to put it's head between the bars, because this can cause major injuries or even death to your bird. But you also want to consider that the bigger the cage the better because studies have shown that the larger the cage, the happier & healthier the bird. For a chart that shows you what bar spacing & cage size is appropriate for your species of bird see Please keep in mind that all bird's are different, even bird's of the same species can be significantly different sivzes (for example, a small Conure might fall into the Small Bird Category & a regular-sized Conure would fit into the Medium Bird Category).

3. How easy is the cage to clean?

People tend to overlook this when shopping for a bird cage, but this is arguably the most important factor to consider beyond the toxicity levels in powder-coated cages. Let me tell you why; when a cage is easy to clean it not only cuts down on the amount of time you need to spend on cleaning, it also increases the lifespan of your cage. If your cage is a major pain to clean and it takes multiple hours you will tend to put off cleaning it for longer spans of time and this will drastically shrink the lifespan of your cage (especially a powder-coated cage). Bird droppings can actually become an erosive chemical, and the longer that sits on your cage, the more damage it can do. Even the best of cages will only last 3 or 4 years if not properly cared for. And on the other hand, a properly cared for, good quality powder-coated cage can last over 10 years. So what makes a cage easy to clean? The biggest thing to look for is a cage that is sturdy, but can still be broken down easily in a matter of 1 or 2 minutes without the need for tools. All of the top quality cages have this feature. Even if you don't plan to break your cage all the way down, it's nice to be able to remove a portion of the cage to clean it without having to get out a tool box & spend an afternoon getting that part off & most likely damaging or destroying your cage. Good cages literally snap in & out of place with no tools required! Another great feature to look for is drainage holes in areas where moisture tends to collect, like on the bottom of each panel. This makes it so the moisture drains into the tray rather than sitting on the panel itself and eroding it. You should also shop for cages that have optional-use grates. Here's why this is fairly important; if the grate is "optional to use" that means the bird cannot escape when it's out. Here are two reasons that you may want to remove the grate: 1) Some people think it's a more natural living environment if their bird lives in a cage that has a solid bottom & 2) Nothing gets dirty faster than the bottom grate & if it can be removed and quickly cleaned without creating a gap for your bird to sneak out of this is a very nice feature.

4. Please don't buy a cage to fit into a specific tight spot in your home!

And here is why; when you get caught up with trying to squeeze a cage into a specific spot in your home this tends to take away from the well-being of your feathered friend! Let us explain; birds are a lot like humans, they need space, they need sunlight, they need to be able to look around. I recommend buying a cage with wheels so you can move your bird from time to time and give them a change of scenery (wheels are also a great feature that could be put under the ease of cleaning topic above).

5. Does your cage give your bird enough stimulation?

The two best ways to give your bird stimulation are toy hooks & removable playtops. The reason I am so fond of removable playtops is because they can be pulled off the cage and placed in a spot away from the cage. This is so great for your bird. This not only gives the bird a change of scenery, it also encourages your bird to exercise and it can give your bird a chance to get some sunlight if he is regularly in a room without that.

6. What's the quality-level of the materials used on the cage you are looking at?

Avoid hollow bars at all costs! Any decent sized bird can bend or even chew through a hollow bird cage bar. If you are looking at quality bird cages they will be constructed of steel (the powder-coated cages should be steel underneath the powder-coating & the stainless steel cages should be 100% stainless steel, not plated) or wrought iron. There's no such thing as a flawlessly manufactured bird cage, but there are huge differences in quality levels. Reputable companies will include long-term warranties against manufacturer defects & they will also insure your cage against shipping damages. And since there's no such thing as a flawlessly manufactured cage, you should buy from a company that will back up their product. Don't buy a no-name cage that will come with no manual, no support phone number, and no warranty. A reputable company will jump to make things right in the rare event that you do have a problem.

7. Functional Features & even more attention to detail!

First time bird cage buyers usually aren't the type of people that take features & functionality into account like they should. They've never owned a cage so they don't know what to look for and what to watch out for. Bird cages are the type of item that "you never buy cheap twice". If you buy cheap once, the second time you'll be sure to shop for cages that have features that save you from the nightmares you experienced with your first cage! Here's a feature that's commonly overlooked: bird-proof locks. You need a cage that your bird can't open. Just imagine what could happen to your bird (or your home) if your bird escaped & roamed free the entire time you were out! Here's another functional feature you'll fall in love with; stainless steel bowls that are accessible through external doors. If your bird is a "biter" this is a must-have feature!

And there you have it! You are now more educated about bird cages than 99% of the people out there trying to figure out which one to buy. You are now armed with the knowledge you need to make an educated buying decision!

I urge you to do some additional reading about bird cages at because they have some great articles for your review.

Note: This article can be copied and republished on other websites as long as it stays complete, isn't modified, and the active hyperlinks stay in place.

Dave Hermansen is an exotic bird lover & expert.Annecorinne Blog96491
Alys Blog70130

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